========== Wed's Help ========== The following help covers the basic features of wed. There are some important caveats to keep in mind when reading this documentation. First caveat. Wed is designed to be an XML editor that provides on the fly validation, and *only* this. Consequently, wed has no notion of a "document collection" and provides no means to load documents from a collection or save documents under some name into a collection. Functions such as these are to be provided by the larger application in which wed is being used. **The following documentation does not cover the functions which are outside the scope of wed.** Second caveat. The functions of wed are exposed to the user through *editing modes* (usually just referred to as "modes"). It is possible to use wed with custom modes that present the document differently from what the generic mode does, or include toolbars, menus, dialogs, etc. **The following documentation covers only what the generic mode (bundled with wed) provides.** Custom modes will have to provide their own documentation. Third caveat. Make sure that wed is supported on your browser before `filing a bug report `_. See `Browser Requirements`_. Editing Controls ================ Wed divides the screen into various areas. Toolbar ------- Above the validation progress bar, wed presents a toolbar that allows to perform some operations through the mouse. .. note:: Wed does not include in the toolbar a button for every single operation that may be performed through the keyboard. It includes only some operations by default, and modes may add more custom operations to the toolbar. .. figure:: help_images/toolbar.png :align: center :alt: This image shows the default toolbar. The default toolbar. If you hover the mouse pointer over a button, you will get a prose description of what the button does. In the image above, from left to right the buttons perform the following actions: * Save the document. * Undo. * Redo. * Decrease the `label visibility level